5th EU-CARIDOPROTECTION COST Action CA16225 meeting was held in Oslo Sept 16-18 2019
Our 5th EU-CARIDOPROTECTION COST Action CA16225 meeting was held in Oslo Sept 16-18 2019 with nearly 90 attendees in total.
We had a very successful and enjoyable meeting both scientifically and socially. On the first day we held a workshop on animal models used to investigate cardioprotection with a focus on co-morbidities and co-medications which can confound cardioprotection. On the second day, we discussed novel inflammatory and vascular targets for cardioprotection, and on the final day we discussed the setting up of small and large animal networks for performing multicentre cardiprotective studies. The meeting dinner was held at the beautiful opera house in Oslo (see picture). We would like to express our huge thanks to the local organisors, Dr Søren Pischke, Ms Ana Calejo and team for their wonderful organisation. We would also like to thank all the speakers, and the Norwegian Research Council for helping to support our meeting.
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